Tuesday, April 11, 2017


If  we did not put our soldiers’ lives at stake,
They would be safe, and our hearts would not ache.

If we would have used words instead of guns,
We could have saved our country’s sons.

If now we understand that war is not the key,
We can start our call for humanity.

If  we understood that keeping animals in captivity is bad,
We would not have to see them miserable and sad.

If we hadn’t just closed our eyes,
We would realize that captive animals painfully die.

If now we all can be true animal lovers,
We can do something so animals won’t suffer.

If  we could understand that domestic violence leaves much more than bruises,
We could stop people from being so abusive.

If we would have dialed 911 in time,
We could have stopped a heinous crime.

If now we all take a stand,
We can stop domestic violence from plaguing our land.

If  we realize that drugs are not a solution to depression,
We can stop them from becoming an obsession.

If we can stand-up to the peer pressure for smoking weed,
We can stop drugs from being a need.

If now we can become the support system for everyone,
We can stop drugs from killing us one-by-one.

If  stereotypes weren’t perpetuated by society,
Everyone could have their own personality.

If we didn’t have certain expectations,
Everyone could have different aspirations.

If now we don’t judge or categorize,
Stereotypes will diminish, and we won’t have to live by lies.

If  there were no radicals to begin with,
Then terrorism would just be a myth.

If we would have sorted things out orally,
We could all live morally.

If now we forgive and forget,
We can live without a threat.

If  we are all together to end this disgrace,
We can, and will make the world a better place,
For birds, animals and the entire human race.

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